In-studio workshop @ CFY! Jan 8-9 – 1:30p – Join Us!

The Rhythm of the Universe, HaTha Yoga

The breathing universe: Inherent in Surya Namaskar, entering and exiting a pose, from the opening Tadasana to the closing Savasana, the rhythm of life beats through every move we make and every breath we take. Whether extending the arms to open the chest or folding into Paschimottanasana, once we feel the shakti inherent in expansion and release, stepping forward into the world and resting in stillness, we can apply these qualities to everything.

Up close and personal in our daily practice, how we show up for whatever arises, can seem arduous, complex, even murky. Yet with patience and perseverance, we can ultimately follow these prophetic words from the Persian poet Hafiz:

The beauty of the mountain is talked about most from a distance, not while one is scaling the summit with life at risk.        (scroll down to find my workshop!)

On Saturday – The dynamic, energizing standing, balancing, and backward extension poses are expressive. Movement excites and animates us, and we can all benefit from a little of that these days! The sequence will accommodate all levels.

On Sunday – The receptive, sensitizing qualities of twists, inversions and forward extensions balance the assault that city life has on our sensory neurons and will help us open to the healing qualities of deep rest. While inversions can be dynamic, they nourish the heart, lungs, and nervous system in profound physiological ways. Preparations for, modifications and variations while in these poses will all be explored.

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